AY2425S1-CS2113-T10-4 / tp

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[PE-D][Tester A] No way to check categories made #184

Closed nus-se-script closed 3 weeks ago

nus-se-script commented 3 weeks ago

A improvement feature that I think can be done is a way to check what categories has been made. When there is no expenses tagged to a category, there is no way to see the category made in both view-budget and view-expenses.

Hence, it is easy to forget and miss out what categories I have made.

Steps to recreate:

Screenshot 2024-11-08 172958.png

Labels: type.FeatureFlaw severity.Low original: Bev-low/ped#12

glenda-1506 commented 3 weeks ago

add into view-expense. whereby the category without expenses would just print "No expense" add view-category command