AZ-X / pique

An advanced DNS stub with Freedom, Privacy and Security --- THRICE UPON A TIME
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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darwin ? #20

Open gedw99 opened 2 years ago

gedw99 commented 2 years ago

I wanted to try this out with caddy on my Mac

Using your make target of:

    go build -a -trimpath -mod=vendor -buildmode=exe -gcflags="all=-smallframes -json=0,$(MKFILE_DIR)/$(OUT2_DIR)/foo.json -trimpath=$(MKFILE_DIR)" -asmflags=-trimpath=$(MKFILE_DIR) -ldflags "-buildid= -s -w -X main.goversion=$(GOVERSION) -X main.AppVersion=$(VERSION)" -o $(OUT_DIR)/$(PROG)$(BIN_SUFFIX) ./repique

I get:

        imports build constraints exclude all Go files

asm.s stuff is beyond my paygrade.

maybe it works if i change the go build to not use the asm files ?

Any ideas ?

AZ-X commented 2 years ago


There is NO Mac support or faked release unless I got a most physical powerful Mac for daily use or test for free.