AZO234 / NP2kai

Neko Project II kai
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Typing when running under retroarch #16

Open hasenbanck opened 6 years ago

hasenbanck commented 6 years ago


On your website you write: libretro版は、キーボードが操作のショートカットとして利用されるため、タイピングには向きません。

Also in the you write: How to key typing? Unfortunery, libretro is unuseful for keytyping. Please use NP21/w.

This is only partly true. In the standard configuration retroarch indeed block the normal input with the hotkey function. But you can "deactivate" those on the fly:

There are two ways:

1.) map the 'enable hotkeys' hotkey in settings > input > input hotkey binds and RetroArch will stop listening for hotkeys unless/until you hold that button/key (input_enable_hotkey config key in the retroarch.cfg)

2.) enable the "game focus mode" (mapped to scroll_lock by default) and it will send all of your inputs to the core instead of the frontend. However, some people have reported having trouble getting out of game focus mode, so YMMV

You might want to add this information to your documentation.

Keep up the good work!

gingerbeardman commented 6 years ago

This is great, I did not know about these methods @hasenbanck

AZO234 commented 6 years ago

I add writing your info to and my site.