AZO234 / NP2kai

Neko Project II kai
MIT License
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Small problem with configured arrow keys in the RA core #31

Closed i30817 closed 3 years ago

i30817 commented 6 years ago

Now i'm having trouble having the down key i registered for retroarch to work with this emulator...

It moves slightly down, then stops and moves up again...

which is not surprising considering my 'down' is the 'up arrow' in the keypad key (there is a method to this madness, it's to concentrate all the multiple axis on the same hand - and my normal arrow keys are broken).

What i'm surprised is that the core doesn't override 'sent keys' to the emulator if the keys being used are both a 'normal' keyboard shortcut and retropad binding. I'd expect that the RA pad binding wins everytime and the key gets 'consumed'.

I haven't seen this behavior in other cores live moving the cursor in the scummvm menu or even on px68 core in games (i tested Final Fight x68000, thou i suppose this can be because the game doesn't use the keypad arrow keys).

gamefocus or numlock doesn't matter for this problem. It can be tested by starting 'Steam Hearts' and checking the main menu.

If you set the: retropad up key to ' / ' in keypad retropad down key to ' 8 ' in keypad

you can't go down the options more than 1 time, to the '2 players' setting. You can't go further down to the 'options' setting, and in gameplay, you can't move down (or rather you do, but immediately go up and get 'stuck' on the original position).


AZO234 commented 6 years ago

I'm sorry for replying late.
Because I am difficult to understand English. It is my own 'bug'.

The problem is,

It is a big mess. I'll try to change NP2 key recognizes with RA's key code.


i30817 commented 6 years ago

Thanks. Yeah the idea i had is 'RA keycode for key always wins and prevents the emulator from reacting to the 'real' keycode', sort of like a override.

AZO234 commented 6 years ago

I checked. 'Keypad8' Keycode was sended from RA. And 'Joypad down' also was sended.

Because NP2 core is PC-98 computer emulation have keyboard (and Joypads), I can't disable keyboard(and Joypads) input.

Accordingly, we can't 'Down' with Keypad8 key on games use 'Keypad key and support Joypads'.

Please understand.

i30817 commented 6 years ago

Maybe i should ask for this on the RA github itself actually.