AZO234 / NP2kai

Neko Project II kai
MIT License
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How can I setup cd file path on startup ? #86

Open nayasis opened 4 years ago

nayasis commented 4 years ago

I success to run Policenuts ! finally ! This core works great ^-^

but I could not find way to setup cdrom path on startup so I should designate cd file path via Neko's menu on emulating everytime. It was quite uncomfortable.

Original Neko has way to setup cd file path in configuration file.

FDD1FILE=\\NAS\emul\image\PC98\Policenauts (ja)\boot.hdm
HDD1FILE=\\NAS\emul\image\PC98\Policenauts (ja)\hdi.hdi
CD3_FILE=\\NAS\emul\image\PC98\Policenauts (ja)\cdrom\POLICENAUTS.CUE

but this core only accept HDD?FILE in INI and I failed to point out cdrom file path.

Please help me finding way to setup cdrom file path on startup.

AZO234 commented 4 years ago

NP2kai's media set at start, you can write .cmd text file.

np2kai hdilocation/aaa.hdi isolocation/bbb.iso

But I never test on Windows network. Please try. If it doesn't work, I fix it.

see reference:

dnm0176 commented 4 years ago

Hi all, I've Tried the core with no issues with hdi files... but I'm not able to run any *.fdi game (black screen); My example of m3u:

Burning Dragon (Wiz)(Disk 1 of 4).fdi Burning Dragon (Wiz)(Disk 2 of 4).fdi Burning Dragon (Wiz)(Disk 3 of 4).fdi Burning Dragon (Wiz)(Disk 4 of 4).fdi

There are same particular things to do ? some command line for m3u ? is different between x68000 & MSX ?

AZO234 commented 4 years ago

I tried with follow Burning Dragon (Wiz).m3u file

Burning Dragon (Wiz)(Disk 1 of 4).fdi
Burning Dragon (Wiz)(Disk 2 of 4).fdi
Burning Dragon (Wiz)(Disk 3 of 4).fdi
Burning Dragon (Wiz)(Disk 4 of 4).fdi

I could show opening animation.

Operation on RetroArch, loading core -> loading contents -> .m3u file

No command line options for using .m3u file. NP2kai's .m3u file can be written absolute/rerative path. (X68K or MSX's one, probably absolute path only.)