Aalbus-linux / Aalbus

The master repository for the Aalbus distribution
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Few questions #5

Closed aosync closed 3 years ago

aosync commented 3 years ago

Interesting work! I need to OS-hop back to Linux from OpenBSD for reasons, and Aalbus seems like a great project to keep the *BSD mood. I might be willing to try and play around with it, but I have a few questions.

staalmannen commented 3 years ago

Hi! Great to see some interest :) (btw I am in Ghent)

staalmannen commented 3 years ago

BTW let me know if you want to join the Aalbus-linux project. With the latest tarball, it should be easy to get started.

staalmannen commented 3 years ago

An old project that might be interesting to look at is Snowflake linux, which was musl-based and explored per-package namespaces with pkgsrc. This would also solve the annoying PLIST conflicts that I often get between packages.


staalmannen commented 3 years ago

I just made a reddit community: https://www.reddit.com/r/aalbuslinux/

I will try to make a discord later and then update the github info to point users to those.

staalmannen commented 3 years ago

Made a discord too:


staalmannen commented 3 years ago

I have now updated the README with links to Reddit and Discord. Hopefully will that help.