Aalto-LeTech / aplus-courses

A+ Courses is a plugin for IntelliJ IDEA, used in programming courses at Aalto University
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Submit a git assignment #1075

Open OlliKiljunen opened 10 months ago

OlliKiljunen commented 10 months ago

Some exercises in e.g. Programming Studio 1 course are so called git assignments. In these assignments, a student forks a git repository made by the teacher, then make changes there, pushes them (to their own fork) and once they are ready, they "submit" this assignment in A+ by writing the URL of their fork in a text box there. The code in the fork is then assessed either automatically or manually (by a TA). The feedback is shown in A+, normally.

Our plugin could streamline this process by allowing the "submission" step to take place inside the IDE, preferably in the same manner as other exercises. So, when a student chooses a git exercise to be submitted, the plugin would automatically send the URL of the remote to A+.

A problem: in this workflow, each assignment is typically done is a project of its own! Thus, it's not clear what would be such a design like that actually makes it easier for the students to submit their solutions. Think!

jaakkonakaza commented 2 weeks ago

The base assignment repository could have a .idea/aplus_project.xml file configured for the correct course. The student would then be able to submit straight from the forked project