Aalto-LeTech / jsav-exercise-recorder

Records students' solutions to JSAV-based visual algorithm simulation exercises
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Graph algorithms: semi-scaffolded versions #256

Open ttaiv opened 1 week ago

ttaiv commented 1 week ago

Idea for new versions of graph algorithms exercises (Prim, Dijkstra, BFS, DFS). These version are between scaffolded versions (which currently exist only for Prim and Dijkstra) and regular versions in terms of how much the student is helped.

A "semi-scaffolded" exercise version would have the following properties:

This means that these exercise versions would implement fringe just like scaffolded versions but state of the data structure would need to be maintained by user.

ttaiv commented 1 week ago

Relaxation in these exercises could be performed with the following logic. If user clicks edge (u,v)