AaltoVision / relativeCameraPose

Relative Camera Pose Estimation Using Convolutional Neural Networks
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How to understand the test_data_mvs.txt file? #1

Open linfan68 opened 6 years ago

linfan68 commented 6 years ago

Hi there, from the beginning of the file, it said: -- DTU dataset for estimating relative camera pose (Test data) -- ImageFileId1, ImageFileId2, CategoryId, RelativeTranslation [x, y, z], RelativeOrientation [q1,q2,q3,q4]

and a line of the file looks like this (scan 93, pose 63-64): 63 64 93 0.994153 -0.003029 -0.107100 -0.013396 -0.043215 0.910107 -0.412114

It seems like the 4th-7th numbers is a quaternion(w, i, j, k), and the the last 3 values are translation

However, even with that, I cannot derive the same number from the DTU calibration data. For example, from the data pose 63-64 the camera was moving on X-direction, but in the data it has a very large value on Y...

FSet89 commented 4 years ago

Hi, have you solved this problem?