Aanok / jftui

Jellyfin Terminal User Interface
The Unlicense
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[Question] Are scripts in `/usr/share/mpv/scripts` and `/etc/mpv/scripts` ignored? #37

Closed onemoresuza closed 1 year ago

onemoresuza commented 1 year ago


The README states:

jftui will drop into a command line instance of mpv when starting playback. It will use mpv.conf and input.conf files found in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/jftui (this location can be overridden with the --config-dir argument). It will also try and load scripts found in the same folder, but no guarantees are made about them actually working correctly.

Does this mean that only scripts within that folder are loaded?

Use Case

Some plugins can be installed through the system's package manager, e.g., mpv-mpris, which puts them in either /etc/mpv/scripts or /usr/share/mpv/scripts.

Aanok commented 1 year ago

Yes, the only configuration loaded is from the jftui-specific folder, including scripts and plugins. Unfortunately libmpv doesn't offer a simple way to cascade settings from system to user scopes like mpv does and you have to choose one single folder.

But nothing stops you from symlinking /etc/mpv/scripts : )