AardWolf / aardcogs

Cogs for Discord-Red
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Traderep Overhaul #113

Closed AardWolf closed 5 years ago

AardWolf commented 5 years ago

Change current workflow to:

  1. One party logs that they're trading: !traderep start
  2. Trade happens
  3. When a party receives their package they do !traderep rep (or # perhaps)
  4. When both parties have repped, trade is done.
AardWolf commented 5 years ago

Changes off the top of my head:

  1. start needs to look for a trade between requester and partner that is missing a rep on either end and report which end(s) are missing.
  2. done command triggers reaction message asking for rep, replaces itself indicating rep and mentions other party if they haven't repped yet.
  3. Many commands no longer look if a trade is open (status is null)
  4. report/status should merge, possibly if the person running them is the same as its being run against
  5. Rep/derep commands are gone.
  6. No way to change the rep once done.
AardWolf commented 5 years ago

Fixed in #115