Aardwolf-Social / aardwolf

Powering connected social communities with open software.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Runtime Problem: Illegal Instruction #140

Closed BanjoFox closed 6 years ago

BanjoFox commented 6 years ago

I feel as though I am reasonably close to updating the i18n branch to Rocket (master), as well as getting the rocket_i18n integrated. The current roadblock is a runtime "illegal instruction".

Build is successful, the app at least partially launches, but trying to browse creates the error.

user@MyHostname ~/gits/aardwolf $ cargo run --bin aardwolf-server
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.57s
     Running `target/debug/aardwolf-server`
🔧  Configured for development.
    => address:
    => port: 7878
    => log: normal
    => workers: 2
    => secret key: generated
    => limits: forms = 32KiB
    => keep-alive: 5s
    => tls: disabled
    => [extra] database_url: "postgresql://aardwolf:MySecurePassword@"
🛰  Mounting '/auth':
    => GET /auth/sign_up (sign_up_form)
    => GET /auth/sign_up?<error> (sign_up_form_with_error)
    => GET /auth/sign_in (sign_in_form)
    => GET /auth/sign_in?<error> (sign_in_form_with_error)
    => POST /auth/sign_up (sign_up)
    => POST /auth/sign_in (sign_in)
    => GET /auth/confirmation?<token> (confirm)
    => POST /auth/sign_out (sign_out)
🛰  Mounting '/personas':
    => GET /personas/new (new)
    => POST /personas/create (create)
    => GET /personas/delete/<delete_persona> (delete)
    => GET /personas/switch/<switch_persona> (switch)
🛰  Mounting '/api/v1':
    => POST /api/v1/apps (register_application)
🛰  Mounting '/':
    => GET / (home)
    => GET / [2] (home_redirect)
    => GET /web/<file..> (webroot)
    => GET /emoji/<file..> (emoji)
    => GET /themes/<file..> (themes)
🚀  Rocket has launched from
Illegal instruction
user@MyHostname ~/gits/aardwolf $ 
BanjoFox commented 6 years ago


Needed to update build to latest. Removing the "rev" statements from Cargo.toml brought everything up-to-date.

git = "https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket"

git = "https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket"

git = "https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket"
default-features = false
features = ["tera_templates", "json"]

git = "https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket"

git = "https://github.com/BaptisteGelez/rocket_i18n"