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[WIP]Banjo/template updates #171

Closed BanjoFox closed 5 years ago

BanjoFox commented 5 years ago

Need to run test builds.

BanjoFox commented 5 years ago

Don't merge this. It doesn't work yet. This needs the routes/paths updated to reflect the directory tree.

asonix commented 5 years ago

does it make sense to put head.rs.html in the header folder? it includes the title, meta tags, and styles and scripts, and isn't directly visible on the page. It makes more sense, imo, to keep it close to base.rs.html.

BanjoFox commented 5 years ago

I am still playing with the directory structure, but yes, that would seem to make sense. Regardless I welcome input from some of the other UI folks as this will be our area of focus. Having a good organization will make development efforts easier.

BanjoFox commented 5 years ago

This is my proposed directory organization

├── compiled_templates                      -- This is where the rust-compiled templates end up
│   └── templates                           -- Follows the same structure as the HTML/Ructe path
│       ├── home                            -- As below
│       └── ui                              -- As below
├── src                                     -- Not documented yet...
│   └── ui                                  -- Not documented yet...
├── templates                               -- The root for the HTML/Ructe templates
│   │
│   ├── asides                              -- Left-hand navigation menus 
│   │   ├── aside_settings.rs.html              -- Settings menu
│   │   └── aside_shortcuts.rs.html             -- Shortcuts menu
│   │
│   ├── containers                          -- Main container layouts
│   │   ├── container_preferences.rs.html       -- Preferences
│   │   └── container_profile.rs.html           -- Profile 
│   │
│   ├── elements                            -- Misc UI elements
│   │   ├── alert.rs.html                       -- Alerts
│   │   ├── icon.rs.html                        -- Icon
│   │   ├── input.rs.html                       -- Visible input
│   │   ├── password_input.rs.html              -- Hidden input
│   │   └── text_input.rs.html                  -- Text input
│   │
│   ├── email                               -- Templates used when sending e-mails
│   │   └── new_user_welcome.rs.html            -- Welcome email
│   │
│   ├── error                               -- Error pages 
│   │   └── http_error.html                     -- Basic Error page
│   │  
│   ├── home                                -- Homepage layouts
│   │   ├── home_feed.rs.html                   -- Home feed
│   │   ├── home_footer.rs.html                 -- Footer for logged in user
│   │   └── home_nav_top.rs.html                -- Top navigation for logged in user
│   │
│   ├── posts                               -- Templates related to posts
│   │   └── new_post.rs.html                    -- New post
│   │
│   ├── reply                               -- Reply layouts
│   │   └── reply_box.rs.html                   -- Base template for posting a reply 
│   │
│   ├── base_template.html                      -- Base template
│   ├── html_head.rs.html                       -- This is the <head> content
│   ├── sign_in.rs.html                         -- User sign-in page
│   └── sign_up.rs.html                         -- User sign-up page
├── build.rs                                -- Template build instructions
└── Cargo.toml                              -- Cargo crate whoozits     
BanjoFox commented 5 years ago

Stale Won't fix