Aareon / ChickenTicket

Pure Python implementation of a cryptocurrency blockchain
MIT License
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Screenshot in your readme #37

Closed PySimpleGUI closed 2 years ago

PySimpleGUI commented 2 years ago

I see you've got a GUI either already running or about to be running.

I, and your other visitors, would love image to see an image of what you make!


Aareon commented 2 years ago

I’ll prop it up when I’m on break! The main wallet window is still being implemented but the design is mostly there. Been doing some research on Col to display recent transactions, but I don’t mind showing what I’ve got so far.

PySimpleGUI commented 2 years ago

No rush at all... was just a suggestion for whenever is appropriate. You've clearly put in a bunch of time making a GUI... want to see you enjoy sharing it with others. We all like pictures! OK, I'll also admit that I like pictures. It's fun to see what's being made. image

PySimpleGUI commented 2 years ago


And... wow... using User Settings! I'm impressed... glad to see it's being used by others than me.

Aareon commented 2 years ago

@PySimpleGUI check the README now. Definitely could look better, but its functional.

Aareon commented 2 years ago

Thanks for showing interest! I'm super passionate about making everything robust and user friendly.

PySimpleGUI commented 2 years ago

OMG! I had no clue you had so many windows in your app!


VERY NICE! Now it's clear you've got a substantial application going!

its functional

This.... this is the most important part in the end. It's gotta work or it's all for naught.

Aareon commented 2 years ago

@PySimpleGUI bunch more dialogs added to screenshots. They all play nicely with one another.

PySimpleGUI commented 2 years ago

I'm sure they do play well together.

It's clear you're paying attention to the details, being purposeful in your approach, and not just throwing stuff together.

Aareon commented 2 years ago

@PySimpleGUI if you see anything and want to provide input or suggestions, I'd be more than happy to accept critiques. I appreciate your suggestion. I'm gonna close this issue now and chalk this up as accomplished. Thanks for the suggestion!

PySimpleGUI commented 2 years ago

Yea yea! Close it out!


Don't want stuff sitting open in Issues that are distracting and not actually active. See.. proof there of what I said.... you're paying attention to details.

Thanks for adding them and the fun conversation. Keep building! You're kicking *ss!