Aarhus-Psychiatry-Research / psycop-model-training

Shared code for model training and evaluation.
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bug: logging to wandb does not work #487

Open MartinBernstorff opened 1 year ago

MartinBernstorff commented 1 year ago

🤖 This is the current blocker for a full hyperparameter search.

Currently have to write the manuscript, so unable to debug in detail. We need a permanent solution shared across projects, therefore the issue here.

Is this related to the latest internet shutdown? Maybe so, but we already open the URLs I could find from wandb https://api.wandb.ai.

Appears we might be hitting rate limiting, since training a single model worked fine the first time, and then didn't work?

Proposed next steps for debugging:

If anyone is up for debugging, they're more than welcome to go ahead and collect thoughts here! @HLasse, @sarakolding, @signekb, @bokajgd, @erikperfalk.

MartinBernstorff commented 1 year ago

Har skreve til wandb support for at høre, om der er andre hostnames vi skal åbne for.