AarohiSingla / DeepSORT-Object-Tracking

Object Tracking
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can I use this deep sort for face tracking? #2

Open ipa-anm-sy opened 3 months ago

ipa-anm-sy commented 3 months ago

can I use this deep sort for face tracking? I am using Resnet deep neural network Caffemodel for face detection.

ipa-anm-sy commented 3 months ago

I have managed to do it using caffe model, thank you for the video and good explanation

ipa-anm-sy commented 3 months ago

My code is working, but it stops working when there are no faces detected in the frame or a face is moved with high speed. I am getting following error. Can you please help me? self.tracker.update(bboxes_xywh, confidences, image) File "/home/server/ros2_ws/src/deep_sort/deep_sort.py", line 30, in update bbox_tlwh = self._xywh_to_tlwh(bbox_xywh) File "/home/server/ros2_ws/src/deep_sort/deep_sort.py", line 66, in _xywh_to_tlwh bbox_tlwh[:, 0] = bbox_xywh[:, 0] - bbox_xywh[:, 2] / 2. IndexError: too many indices for array: array is 1-dimensional, but 2 were indexed