AarohiSingla / TFLite-Object-Detection-Android-App-Tutorial-Using-YOLOv5

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cannot run the app #5

Open rohinr7 opened 1 year ago

rohinr7 commented 1 year ago

I cant open the app when i try to open it it goes in and suddenly coming out to desktop with a warning message

AarohiSingla commented 1 year ago

It's difficult to provide a specific solution without more information about the warning message and your Android app. However, here are some general troubleshooting steps you can try to use your TFLite model in an Android app:

Verify that the TFLite model is working properly: Before integrating the TFLite model into your Android app, you should verify that it works properly. You can do this by using the TFLite interpreter in a Python script or notebook to load the model and make predictions on test data. If there are any issues with the model, you should address them before proceeding to the next steps.

Integrate the TFLite model into your Android app: You can integrate the TFLite model into your Android app by adding it to the app's "assets" folder and loading it using the TFLite interpreter. You can follow the TensorFlow Lite Android quickstart guide for step-by-step instructions on how to do this: https://www.tensorflow.org/lite/guide/android