Aaron-AALG / SpectroMap

SpectroMap is a peak detection algorithm that computes the constellation map for a given signal
GNU General Public License v3.0
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How to measure audio similarity ? #1

Closed yogendra-yatnalkar closed 8 months ago

yogendra-yatnalkar commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks for the awesome repository. I am very new to the audio processing and analysis domain. I have 2 audio files of equal length and same properties. My task is the measure if these 2 audio files are nearly identical or not.

In the given repo, let's say if I compute two spectromaps for the 2 audio files, how do I define similarity between 2 spectromaps ? Can anyone please guide me on this front ?

Thanks in advance.

Aaron-AALG commented 1 year ago

Hi, Yogendra Yatnalkar,

As far as signal analysis is concerned, multiple alternatives exist for measuring similarities between audio excerpts. Then, it is not an easy task to determine a single manner for attaching such a problem. In my last work, we propose a measure of musical similarity between fragments of digital audio using a clustering process based on fuzzy logic (B. Martinez, 2019). You can find more information here as well (B. Martinez, 2017). The motivation for using SpectroMap is the extraction of fingerprints of a list with audio files to handle a larger amount of data efficiently.

I hope this answer can help you. Greetings, Aarón.

yogendra-yatnalkar commented 8 months ago

Hi @Aaron-AALG thanks a lot for your response. Sorry, I completely missed closing this issue as I got diverted from this work. I will have a look at the resources pointed by you for my own understanding. Thanks again.