Aaron-Junker / USOC

useful simple open-source CMS
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Issue Tracker for Pb2.0Bfx0RCA #49

Closed Aaron-Junker closed 3 years ago

Aaron-Junker commented 3 years ago

All Bugs found in Pb2.0Bfx0RCA: (All fixed in Pb2.0Bfx0)

  1. Error System doesn't work in login.php (see #50)
    • Says now for default: "False Password or Username"
  2. Sitemap.xml Undefined index Domain. It should be DOMAIN
  3. False strings in register.php
  4. A "'" in register.php
  5. False += but it should be .=
  6. Some files include "/includes/.." but it should be "includes/.."
  7. False string "Profile.settings" but it should be "profile.settings"
  8. New getProfilePicture instead of getPP().
  9. In some files a echo is missing by $U->getLang()
  10. Also shows Google Login when it isn't configured
  11. Untraslated strings in profile.php
  12. No border around textboxes and buttons in light mode
  13. In php there's no function named ::STRING.lower() Use instead strtolower()
  14. The folder with the css files is named styles and not style
  15. Some getLang() don't point at $U
  16. Many links doesn't use $USOC["DOMAIN"]
  17. $USOC["DOMAIN"] has for default no protocol
  18. A database can't be named with Uppercase letters
  19. In changepassword.php the code isn't echoed.
  20. Not every server know HTTP-Code 418 so it should be removed from .htaccess
  21. head.php always include from the same dictionary. But it should include from the main dictionary
  22. class U __autoload() doesn't return value from function
  23. class U functions haven't access to $U and $USOC
  24. login/login.php and login/register.php shows two diffrent Error messages at the same time.
  25. By login/login.php the variable $fa hasn't a default value
  26. sprintf() doesn't work. Use str_replace() instead
  27. No setting for google client id (New: oAuth.google.client_id)
  28. Everyone can see the client_secrets.json file (New: Blocked by .htaccess
  29. No newClass() in several files
  30. In login/changepass.php the variable $passc hasn't a default value
  31. In login/changepass.php thereis no $_POST["newpass"] it's named $_POST["newpass1"]
  32. There's no error handeling in login/changepass.php (new: Redirect to error page)
  33. Textarea in editor and blogeditor has no name