AaronCRobinson / ExpandedRoofing

RimWorld Mod - expands roofing types and options
MIT License
9 stars 13 forks source link

Lastest version throws a mass of errors #14

Closed CrunchyDuck closed 5 years ago

CrunchyDuck commented 5 years ago

Was testing the latest version before uploading it to the workshop, and it's presenting the following errors: https://git.io/fA19q First error from this mod appears at line 1046.

I got my partner to test it, to confirm I hadn't messed something up. After that, I verified it was this version by downloading the previous version and testing it.

AaronCRobinson commented 5 years ago

I will leave this open but this looks to be a mod loading issue.

I saved my game yesterday with Expanded Roofing working just fine. Logged in today and it wasn't working right. Couldn't build any of the roof areas and the qued build areas that existed had disappeared. I did what Curse187 suggested and moved Expanded Roofing directly under Hugslib and now it works 100% just fine. Just a random ghost in the machine.

The errors in the log are catastrophic:

Could not find a type named ExpandedRoofing.Designator_BuildTransparentRoof
Could not find a type named ExpandedRoofing.Designator_BuildSolarRoof
Could not find a type named ExpandedRoofing.Designator_BuildThickStoneRoof
Could not find a type named ExpandedRoofing.Designator_AreaNoThickRoof
Could not find a type named ExpandedRoofing.CompPowerPlantSolarController
Could not find a type named ExpandedRoofing.JobDriver_PerformRoofMaintenance

These mean significant parts of the mod are missing and failed to load for some reason.

I am leaving this open because I think there is room for improvement but because the mitigation technique is pretty simple, However it seems at least one report is that this isn't mitigating the issue.

I have moved the mod right under Hugslib and am still getting errors. After about the first 10 or so solar roofs it starts spitting out errors and will no longer connect new solar roofs to the solar roof controler power module.

I am not experiencing this issue and will have to look for local repo case. I am also not immediately clear where the issue could be happening. From the errors it sounds like two mods are trashing each other's patches. It has always been recommended that ExpandedRoofing be placed very early in the mod load order because of finickiness of the Roofing (Roofs aren't actual Things like most everything else in the game and as such the "hacks" here are not very elegant).

AaronCRobinson commented 5 years ago

Sorry got distracted a bit because the mitigation technique is pretty simple -- it's not a priority in my mind. The mod is playable and no feature loss with appropriate mitigation.

CrunchyDuck commented 5 years ago

Ah, my apologies, I think there's a bit of miss communication. The errors on the steam workshop aren't related to this new version - I haven't released this version on to the workshop yet, and I won't till I can verify it works fine.

The errors my partner and I found were tested by loading version 0.19.2 of this mod with only Hugslib and Jecstools. Just to verify though, I did check the current github version again on my end, and it presented the same errors, which I'll paste below. https://git.io/fA1bU

I also decided to load up a test map, and check the effect this had in game, and none of the roofing options were available upon loading. Apologies for the confusion.

AaronCRobinson commented 5 years ago

This was pretty bizarre. The main assembly was missing for some reason from the upload but was copied to my local mod directory fine (so something must of deleted it...)

I redid the release to fix the issue. https://github.com/AaronCRobinson/ExpandedRoofing/releases/tag/v0.19.2

This was noticable in the log via this line:

Expanded Roofing: 0Harmony(, 1SettingsHelper(

Should be:

Expanded Roofing: 0Harmony(, 1SettingsHelper(, ExpandedRoofing(

CrunchyDuck commented 5 years ago

Alrighty. I tested it, worked fine, and it's now uploaded to the workshop. Thanks!