AaronDavidNewman / Smoosic

A music notation editor written in javascript
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Automate update of helpfile from wiki #46

Open AaronDavidNewman opened 3 years ago

AaronDavidNewman commented 3 years ago

Help files are produced from smoosic wiki. It would be good to automate this. I picture a json/javascript file like:

const helpfiles = [
  { language: 'en', url: 'https://github.com/AaronDavidNewman/Smoosic/wiki/Quick-Start', variable 'quickHelp' },...

and then grunt-markdown would create the language-specific monolith for all the help files like:

var quickHelpHtmlEn = `
    <h3 id="quick-start-guide">Quick start guide</h3>
<p>If you don&#39;t like to read instructions, this cook&#39;s tour of Smoosic was made for you.</p>
<ul>... `

So part of this is we should move the help html out of language_en.js and into something like help_en.js.