AaronJackson / vrn

:man: Code for "Large Pose 3D Face Reconstruction from a Single Image via Direct Volumetric CNN Regression"
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run.sh #133

Closed wengxiaojie closed 4 years ago

wengxiaojie commented 4 years ago

]./run.sh: 23: ./run.sh: pushd: not found ./run.sh: 24: ./run.sh: th: not found ./run.sh: 31: ./run.sh: popd: not found ./run.sh: 34: ./run.sh: pushd: not found ls: cannot access '.txt': No such file or directory ./run.sh: 75: ./run.sh: popd: not found ./run.sh: 78: ./run.sh: th: not found ./run.sh: 85: ./run.sh: pushd: not found ls: cannot access '.raw': No such file or directory ./run.sh: 91: ./run.sh: popd: not found

I have torch and cuda but i can't run it

AaronJackson commented 4 years ago

How did you invoke the script?

Have you installed torch?

wengxiaojie commented 4 years ago

yeah, I installed torch

AaronJackson commented 4 years ago

What distribution of Linux are you using?

I need lots more information or I cannot help you.

wengxiaojie commented 4 years ago

sh ./download.sh and sh ./run.sh

AaronJackson commented 4 years ago

If you invoke it with sh it will ignore the shebang, which stats it using bash. You need to start it as an exec, like so:


wengxiaojie commented 4 years ago

I make my code on my server, and my server is linux, I try

wengxiaojie commented 4 years ago

but it appear that the same problem ./run.sh: line 23: pushd: face-alignment: No such file or directory ./run.sh: line 24: th: command not found ./run.sh: line 31: popd: directory stack empty ls: cannot access '.txt': No such file or directory ./run.sh: line 78: th: command not found ls: cannot access '.raw': No such file or directory

AaronJackson commented 4 years ago

If pushd cannot be found, it isn't being run under bash. I need to see how you are starting it. If you cannot do this, I cannot help you.

wengxiaojie commented 4 years ago

1 2

wengxiaojie commented 4 years ago


AaronJackson commented 4 years ago

1) As I have already said twice at this point, do not start it as "sh run.sh", but instead "./run.sh" 2) You are showing me you have installed PyTorch. PyTorch is different to Torch. Read the readme file, it has a full setup guide. 3) You have not cloned recursively, which is also described in the readme file.

If you cannot be bothered to read the instructions, which I believe are fairly easy to follow, I cannot be bothered helping you.

wengxiaojie commented 4 years ago

I want to know your work about how to put the img on 3D model, and now I want to see your demo

wengxiaojie commented 4 years ago

I am very thankful to you. okay , I try