Closed Toposku closed 4 years ago
/home/jk/usr/local/torch/install/bin/luajit: getrf : Lapack library not found in compile time
try reinstalling torch after installing the lapack devel packages.
Hi Aaron, thanks for your reply. I reinstalled Torch and lapack pakage and it shows the command below:
Scanning directory for data...
Found 5 images
5 images require a face detector
Initialising python libs...
Initialising detector...
Cropped and scaled AFLW_image00046.jpg
Cropped and scaled AFLW_image00095.jpg
Cropped and scaled AFLW_image00190.jpg
Cropped and scaled AFLW_image00656.jpg
Cropped and scaled asj.jpg
Processed AFLW_image00190.
Processed AFLW_image00046.
Processed AFLW_image00095.
Processed asj.
Processed AFLW_image00656.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "../", line 20, in
Does this mean that I need to install all of this? (PySide2, PyQt5, PySide, PyQt4, wxPython, GTK, or fltk).
I tried using matlab and it run successfully after I installed the Image processing Toolbox. Could you please tell me how to use my own image? Do i just replace the images into the input_folder?
Yeah put your images in the input folder and they should process. Glad you got it working.
By the way - the matlab surface extraction function is better than what I could find in python anyway, so the quality should be better :-)
Thanks for your help! I tried with my own image and it's working good.
HI Aaron, there is some error I met when running the code. Do you know any solutions about this?
Scanning directory for data...
Found 5 images
5 images require a face detector
Initialising python libs... Initialising detector...
/home/jk/usr/local/torch/install/bin/luajit: getrf : Lapack library not found in compile time at /tmp/luarocks_torch-scm-1-5412/torch7/lib/TH/generic/THLapack.c:140 stack traceback: [C]: at 0x7f5b7b39cc80 [C]: in function 'inverse' ./utils.lua:51: in function 'transform' ./utils.lua:59: in function 'crop' main.lua:58: in main chunk [C]: in function 'dofile' ...ocal/torch/install/lib/luarocks/rocks/trepl/scm-1/bin/th:150: in main chunk [C]: at 0x55c231bec570 ls: cannot access '.txt': No such file or directory ls: cannot access '.raw': No such file or directory