AaronJackson / vrn

:man: Code for "Large Pose 3D Face Reconstruction from a Single Image via Direct Volumetric CNN Regression"
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The .obj pointcloud has two layers of surface #77

Closed Ivy147 closed 6 years ago

Ivy147 commented 6 years ago

Hi, Aaron, Thank you for contributing such a helpful code.I have run it to get a .raw format volume and changed it to .obj to view using meshlab. But I found that the pointcloud has two layers of surface,the inner layer seems to be more coarse than the outer layer.Is that normal? How can I get a good surface with only one layer? Thanks.

I get the isosurface using MATLAB. 2018-05-09_142330

AaronJackson commented 6 years ago

Yeah it seems I wrote the mesh in the wrong order or something, so programs think the inside is the outside. I think there is a way to invert it in Blender.

Ivy147 commented 6 years ago

Thank you for your reply. But I have two more questions: 1、So the Accuracy evaluation result in your paper is based on Blender or just such data like mine? 2、Wouldn't the Blender method (for example,VoxelGrid filter)change the structure of the mesh itself, considering the distance between the adjacent points is less than the distance between the two layers?