AaronJowitt / Rivendell

RIvendell Automation Issue/Req Tracking
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Externally assigned VT number is lost on remerge #24

Open AaronJowitt opened 8 years ago

ElvishArtisan commented 8 years ago

What exactly is a 'VT number'. A cart number?

AaronJowitt commented 8 years ago


ElvishArtisan commented 8 years ago

Ok, I don't think I understand precisely what the problem here is. The "VT number" is in the import log, yes? How is it getting lost?

AaronJowitt commented 8 years ago

Hi Fred. I think we mis-reported this one. I was confusing internally (RD) & externally (Msuic master) allocated cart numbers for VT's, and also I can't remember where we were up to on this query.. Apologies. Brad put it this way;

I'm not sure there were any problems when importing voice tracks generated externally. Say with MM [Music Master] or something similar.

There were a few issues when using RD to generate VT numbers. If a log was remerged, the VTs that were already in there if not voice were replaced with new track numbers. If they were already voiced they would stay in the log, but be put at the end of each hour, and new VTs were put in their place.

We would like to solely use an external scheduler to schedule the VT carts (complete with VT cart numbers). So the good thing is, I guess the cart numbers would be retained on re-merging. What we don't have in the RD log merge routine is an ability to flag an event (with an externally scheduled cart number from Music Master) as a VT in RD. So as I understand it, the RD VT module will not respect these as VT's, so the NEXT TRACK bottons etc won't jump to teh next VT.

Or - does RD reference the "RDAdmin > Edit Service > Voice Tack Group" setting, and automatically treat all carts numbers that fall within the groups allocated cart number range, as VT's (for the purposes of NEXT/PREV TRACK in the VT module)?

In which, I guess we should have no issue once the (separately listed issue) of 'retain custom transitions' option is provided for in the log merge routine. Cheers. AJ