Visual design of most RD modules is elegant, clear and functional, but RDAirplay is the one that would benefit from a refresh to tie the components together. Unfortunately, perception is everything with some people (does the manager or afternoon announcer think it looks modern & expensive etc...). A visual retweak for 24'+ 16:19 1080P monitors - perhaps with input from graphic design professionals in the RD or open source audio community to design/suggest a new theme etc. For example, Ardour 4 (which we use next to RD) is an evolving beautiful modern Open Source GUI design we could perhaps take some inspiration from. Perhaps supporting a couple of different themes/skins or allowing user themes could be considered.
Visual design of most RD modules is elegant, clear and functional, but RDAirplay is the one that would benefit from a refresh to tie the components together. Unfortunately, perception is everything with some people (does the manager or afternoon announcer think it looks modern & expensive etc...). A visual retweak for 24'+ 16:19 1080P monitors - perhaps with input from graphic design professionals in the RD or open source audio community to design/suggest a new theme etc. For example, Ardour 4 (which we use next to RD) is an evolving beautiful modern Open Source GUI design we could perhaps take some inspiration from. Perhaps supporting a couple of different themes/skins or allowing user themes could be considered.