AaronKelley / DellFanManagement

A suite of tools for managing the fans in many Dell laptops.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Manual mode stops working after laptop wakes up from sleep or hibernate #17

Open bedrin opened 2 years ago

bedrin commented 2 years ago

Thanks for great tool. I've noticed that when my laptop hibernates and wakes up, the fans are always off. It works fine after I enable and disable EC fan control

Rem0o commented 2 years ago

That's normal. Going out of wake will reset everything, that's expected.

A simple event sub to https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/microsoft.win32.systemevents.powermodechanged?redirectedfrom=MSDN&view=dotnet-plat-ext-6.0

That reapply everything when waken back from sleep will do the trick, I do the same in an other app.

bedrin commented 2 years ago

Another nice (optional) feature would be to put fans to manual-off mode automatically before putting laptop to sleep

Rem0o commented 2 years ago

@bedrin you can't reliably execute code "before" going to sleep from a dotnet app as far as I know. You can catch the event, but your process will get paused at any given point when the sleep state will come active. You can't "hold" it back to execute code.