AaronMR / Learning_ROS_for_Robotics_Programming_2nd_edition

Code and examples for Learning ROS for Robotics Programming - 2nd Edition
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ros_book installation issue #12

Closed amiltonwong closed 8 years ago

amiltonwong commented 8 years ago

Hi, @AaronMR ,

My system is ubuntu 12.04 and ROS hydro installed. I followed your steps from readme But came across the following issue after "wstool up -j8"

root@milton-OptiPlex-760:~/dev/catkin_ws/src# wstool up -j8 [ros_book] still active [ros_book] Fetching git@github.com:AaronMR/Learning_ROS_for_Robotics_Programming_2nd_edition.git (version None) to /root/dev/catkin_ws/src/ros_book Cloning into '/root/dev/catkin_ws/src/ros_book'... [ros_book] still active [ros_book] still active [ros_book] still active Permission denied (publickey). fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly Exception caught during install: Error processing 'ros_book' : [ros_book] Checkout of git@github.com:AaronMR/Learning_ROS_for_Robotics_Programming_2nd_edition.git version None into /root/dev/catkin_ws/src/ros_book failed.

ERROR in config: Error processing 'ros_book' : [ros_book] Checkout of git@github.com:AaronMR/Learning_ROS_for_Robotics_Programming_2nd_edition.git version None into /root/dev/catkin_ws/src/ros_book failed.

Any idea to fix it?

Thanks in advance~ Milton

efernandez commented 8 years ago

You have to setup your ssh keys for github properly: https://help.github.com/articles/generating-ssh-keys/

Or you can use https protocol instead of git, that is, use https://github.com/AaronMR/Learning_ROS_for_Robotics_Programming_2nd_edition.git instead of git@github.com:AaronMR/Learning_ROS_for_Robotics_Programming_2nd_edition.git