AaronMR / Learning_ROS_for_Robotics_Programming_2nd_edition

Code and examples for Learning ROS for Robotics Programming - 2nd Edition
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indigo problem #22

Open hughhugh opened 8 years ago

hughhugh commented 8 years ago

when catkin_make is sent, there always cmake invoke problem, in chapter 4 6 9 10, when I delete most of sub packages only 2 and 3 left. catkin_make works. HOW to solve these bugs? thank you.

ram651991 commented 8 years ago

Some errors might be due to missing packages. You can install them using sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-ros-<package_name>. Can you post the error?

Forrest-Z commented 7 years ago

I have the problem too.I can catkin_make 4,6,7,8,9.and others can success.the problem maybe in cfg folder

ghost commented 7 years ago

when i catkin_make: error: /usr/local/lib/libopencv_nonfree.so.2.4.11:对‘cv::ocl::integral(cv::ocl::oclMat const&, cv::ocl::oclMat&)’未定义的引用 how can i solve

ghost commented 7 years ago

when i roslaunch chapter5_tutorials gscam.launch appear: ERROR: cannot launch node of type [gscam/gscam]: gscam ROS path [0]=/opt/ros/indigo/share/ros ROS path [1]=/home/linuxrc/DoubleCamera/src ROS path [2]=/home/linuxrc/ros/src ROS path [3]=/opt/ros/indigo/share ROS path [4]=/opt/ros/indigo/stacks

How can I solve?

haozhengnaxi commented 7 years ago

hello with ubuntu14.04 , ROS-indigo and the chapter 10's code, i have some trouble when i use the direction roslaunch rosbook_arm_gazebo rosbook_arm_grasping_world.launch,

the output is that in the following: parameter 'allowed_goal_duration_margin' moved into namespace 'trajectory_execution'

i do not know how to solve it . Could you help me? Thanks very much~

blueshark000 commented 7 years ago

hello,I also meet the catkin_make problem. error: /usr/local/lib/libopencv_nonfree.so.2.4.11:对‘cv::ocl::integral(cv::ocl::oclMat const&, cv::ocl::oclMat&)’未定义的引用 how do you solve it?@wojiaojiao