AaronMR / Learning_ROS_for_Robotics_Programming_2nd_edition

Code and examples for Learning ROS for Robotics Programming - 2nd Edition
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problem running "$ roslaunch chapter8_tutorials display_xacro.launch" #26

Open wt70707 opened 7 years ago

wt70707 commented 7 years ago

When I try to run the following example, there is no "display_xacro.launch":

$ roslaunch chapter8_tutorials display_xacro.launch model:="rospack find chapter8_tutorials/urdf/robot1_base_04.xacro"

The following works:

$ roslaunch robot1_description display_state_pub.launch model:="rospack find chapter8_tutorials/urdf/robot1_base_04.xacro"

The "state_xacro.launch" also works, it is the same as display_state_pub.launch.