AaronMR / Learning_ROS_for_Robotics_Programming_2nd_edition

Code and examples for Learning ROS for Robotics Programming - 2nd Edition
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Run roslaunch chapter8_tutorials gazebo_mapping_robot.launch model:="`rospack find robot1_description`/urdf/robot1_base_04.xacro" error #31

Open echotor opened 7 years ago

echotor commented 7 years ago

Hello, when I run the command ~ roslaunch chapter8_tutorials gazebo_mapping_robot.launch model:="rospack find robot1_description/urdf/robot1_base_04.xacro" ~, and the rviz show below:


There is some error, Why??

echotor commented 7 years ago

I change the frame_id to map, base_link, or other, But it shows error, too.

zhaoguangbao commented 6 years ago

I am facing with the same problem!

heroacool commented 6 years ago

solved it !!! http://blog.csdn.net/x_r_su/article/details/53504784

yuzai111 commented 6 years ago

this url can solve it http://blog.csdn.net/zhangrelay/article/details/62037458