I'm actually run DocFx over a couple of projects and one of them uses DNNE to generate and build native libs.
I use the way DocFx from csproj and from the description I read that
When the file extension is .csproj, .vbproj or .sln, docfx uses MSBuildWorkspace to perform a design-time build of the projects before generating API docs.
If I understand the DNNE.targets file correctly than the target:
Condition="('$(DesignTimeBuild)' != 'true' OR '$(BuildingProject)' == 'true') AND '$(DnneSupportedTFM)' == 'true' AND '$(DnneBuildExports)' == 'true'"
checks for DesignTimeBuild and doesn't create the NativeExports, the following
I'm actually run DocFx over a couple of projects and one of them uses DNNE to generate and build native libs. I use the way DocFx from csproj and from the description I read that
If I understand the DNNE.targets file correctly than the target:
checks for DesignTimeBuild and doesn't create the NativeExports, the following
only checks for DnneBuildExports and therefor fails the copy step.
So I'd like to ask whether the check for DesignTimeBuild can be added here as well?
Thanks a lot Thomas