Aaronius / penpal

A promise-based library for securely communicating with iframes via postMessage.
MIT License
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connectToChild.childOrigin #31

Closed cda963 closed 5 years ago

cda963 commented 5 years ago

I need to specify the child's origin, when the parent and the child are on the same domain, but different sub-domains.

I'm getting the following error: Parent received handshake from origin https://child.domain.com which did not match expected origin https://parent.domain.com

Aaronius commented 5 years ago

What is the value of the src attribute on the iframe?

cda963 commented 5 years ago

The iframe's src is something like https://child.domain.com. Both the parent and the child are on the same domain, just different sub-domains.

Aaronius commented 5 years ago

Can you put a breakpoint on this line: https://github.com/Aaronius/penpal/blob/918c67a608bf827383101d6fe22d827b128f04e8/src/getOriginFromSrc.js#L16 and step through the code? Somehow, in your case, getOriginFromSrc seems to be returning https://parent.domain.com instead of https://child.domain.com.

cda963 commented 5 years ago

I will give it a try in the next dev sprint, but at the moment we had to find another quick solution, so we went with the vanilla "postMessage". Thanks.

radarfox commented 5 years ago

I was about to suggest the same feature, even with the same name, so this looks like a good idea.

I'm developing the web app for the smart TV platforms (Samsung and LG) and I ran into this issue. The problem is, that these platforms run on file:// protocol, but with a non-null origins in the messages. Here is the table that shows the problem:

Browser Origin of location Origin of postMessage
Chrome 74 file:// null
LG webOS file://com.lg.app.signage file://com.lg.app.signage
Samsung Tizen file:// file://

The file:// paths on these platforms are quite complicated and there is no way to deduce the origin from them.

So the solution i came with is adding a optional option called childOrigin to the connectToChild function. If it is explicitly defined, the getOriginFromSrc(iframe.src) is not called and it is replaced by the childOrigin option.

I also disabled the iframe.src check, as it's value is no longer used and needed.

PS: Thank you much for this great library, saved me a couple of hours!

Aaronius commented 5 years ago

Oh that's interesting...and annoying that they aren't consistent. Thanks for the detail @radarfox. I need to take a while to digest this. @cojocaru-dragos-alexandru, are you dealing with the file:// protocol as well?

cda963 commented 5 years ago

Hi guys, the protocol I was using was https. I basically had 2 websites: a "parent" one and another one displayed inside a parent's iframe.

radarfox commented 5 years ago

I have done some further research and found out, that if you run Chrome with --allow-file-access-from-files CLI argument, then the origin in the messages also changes to file://. Here is the updated table:

Browser Origin of location Origin of postMessage
Chrome 75 file:// null
Chrome 75 with --allow-file-access-from-files file:// file://
LG webOS file://com.lg.app.signage file://com.lg.app.signage
Samsung Tizen file:// file://

So that is another proof, that parsing the origin from URL won't work for 100% of the cases. It would be nice, if the library would offer an alternative way to handle those cases.

Let me know if you need any help from me with implementing this.

Aaronius commented 5 years ago

Could you run npm install penpal@next and make sure it solves your issues? You should be able to pass childOrigin as an option into connectToChild now.

Aaronius commented 5 years ago

BTW, the updated readme can be found at https://github.com/Aaronius/penpal/tree/v4.1.0. Feel free to give that a read and make sure it makes sense.

radarfox commented 5 years ago

Works as expected, thank you very much! I'm looking forward to the official release.

Readme seems understandable. Maybe you can mention that iframe.src is not requred in this case and you can add it later after calling connectToChild.

Aaronius commented 5 years ago

Released in v4.1.1.