AashishRauniyar / fyp-gymify

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Logbook 3 #3

Closed AashishRauniyar closed 2 hours ago

AashishRauniyar commented 2 hours ago

Logbook: 3

Meeting No: 3

Date: 27/11/2024

Start Time: 11:00 AM

End Time: 11:30 AM

Items Discussed:

1. API Testing in Postman and React

2. Add Missing Validations to Previous APIs

3. Create Forget Password API


1. API Testing

2. Validation Improvements

3. Forget Password API


1. Missing API Validations

2. Prisma ORM Integration Issues

3. Authentication Token Handling Issues

4. File Upload with Multer and Cloudinary

Tasks for the Next Meeting:

1. Setup Flutter Application

2. Development of Workouts and Exercises API

3. API testing for workouts and exercises in Postman


Aashish Prasad Gupta | Prasant Adhikari (1st Supervisor)

AashishRauniyar commented 2 hours ago

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