AathifMahir / MauiIcons

MauiIcons is Icon Collection Library for .Net Maui
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Add Round, Outlined and TwoTone Support for Material Icons Module #47

Closed AathifMahir closed 1 year ago

AathifMahir commented 1 year ago

Add Round, Outlined, Sharp and TwoTone Support for Material Icons Module by Adding Needed .ttf or .otf font files and Update the Material Icons Enumeration to Include Those Icons as Well

Edit: TwoTone Version going to be removed and other variants going to stay,

The TwoTone Version has the problem of rendering on a single color and manipulating color doesn't work with the TwoTone version. This might be related to Maui Font Rendering or The TwoTone Font itself. Therefore we made the decision on removing the TwoTone Variant Altogether.

AathifMahir commented 1 year ago

@vhugogarcia Do we really need TwoTone Icons Support on Material Icons, As far as Current Testing The TwoTone Version has Limitation with Coloring, The TwoTone Just Stays Black Even Explicity Coloring The Icons or Fonts, I guess this has do with limitation of Font Renderer of Maui or The Font Itself

vhugogarcia commented 1 year ago

Hello @AathifMahir, I think we can skip it for now and revisit it in the future is somebody asks about it. I agree with you.