Ab2774 / Lenovo-IdeaPad-320-14-IKB-Hackintosh

A guide for installing macOS on Lenovo IdeaPad 320-14IKB (Kaby Lake-U)
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No sound after wake after a while #2

Open Luka020 opened 4 years ago

Luka020 commented 4 years ago

Hi Ab2774,

After a wake period or black screen period (just before sleep) the sound stops working when i use Siri afterwards. After i have used Siri and i did this after a wake the sound disappears after 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Steps to recreate

To get the sound back you have to ask siri something again or close the lid of the laptop and it wil be back for a little while again and then it will stop working again, until you restart the computer.

Hope you know what's going on better than i do.

What i also tried unfortunately all with the same result which is no sound after wake.

Ab2774 commented 4 years ago

Hi That's a known issue with ALC230 with both layouts 13 and 20 a few hours ago (surprisingly) @ameenjuz created a pull request to fix that issue https://github.com/acidanthera/AppleALC/pull/541 with the layout 20, I haven't tested it, I'm gonna test it later and if it's confirmed working I'll create another pull request for the layout 13. Previously, I fixed the mute button with both layouts 13 and 20, which was a bummer. I'm gonna test later and confirm it. Cheers

Luka020 commented 4 years ago


Ab2774 commented 4 years ago

Hi I've tested it now and the problem still exists, I'm gonna try multiple solutions in the next few days starting with adding new Config Data, but for now, the easiest solution I've found is to plug your headphones and unplug it, this is a "temporary" fix for now. for now, you report this issue to Acidanthera Bugtracker. Cheers

ameenjuz commented 4 years ago

I closed the lid of the laptop then opened lid the headphone didn't work with Siri once again I put this value into wakeconfigdata 01970725 02170883 solved the problem make sure you are using ALC230 Layout id 20 sorry for my weak English I hope that you will understand put this 01970725 02170883 into wakeconfigdata I hope will solve

Ab2774 commented 4 years ago

Hi I appreciate your hard work @ameenjuz and your WakeConifgData is almost working except, the problem still exists, before, after sleep, the sound may come and may not, but now, it will disappear for a few seconds (5-15s) and it will surely come back, which is good news and huge progress, I'm gonna try to add more to WakeConifgData and maybe change the ConfigData itself. Grateful for your help. @Luka020 you can use this almost fixed ( as I explained above) kext till we figure something out Thanks. AppleALC.kext.zip

Luka020 commented 4 years ago

Thank you guys for your work! I appreciate it, unfortunately i still get the same problem tough. My internal speakers stop working after wake from sleep, only way to reactivate is when i call siri or close and open the lid.

I did not test it with headphones because i do not use them.

This is only temporally, because after i opened the lid the sound does come back but it disappears again after 5 seconds or so. and then i have to repeat the process.

It will be fixed interesting to see!

ameenjuz commented 4 years ago

guys I don't know why do you have not work I have working fine everything ( speaker headphone line in ) sleep wake also I don't seem any issue double check your Config.plist and DSDT&SSDT related to audio

Ab2774 commented 4 years ago

Hi, There are two explanations for this:

  1. That we (me and @Luka020) have a faulty battery, which effects the trackpad and makes it so weird and slippery to use, and makes the whole system lags when plugging and unplugging the power source, it may affect the mic after sleep but has not been confirmed yet (needs someone to test it on Windows).
  2. Uncompleted kext (ConfigData and WakeConifgData) which I'm trying to add a new layout with new ConfigData, am gonna test and if it worked I'm gonna create a pull request, wish me luck.
Luka020 commented 4 years ago

Hi Ab2774,

I think it's the second explanation. As for the first one my battery works okey and i do not experience any issues regarding trackpad and plugging and unplugging the power source, same goes for the trackpad.

It's good to know that when my battery dies those are the kind of issues i can look forward to.

Good luck man, hope you find out the issue!

Ab2774 commented 4 years ago

Update: I've tried lots of things but still no luck fixing it, I even tried the original CodecDump from Linux but still... @ameenjuz I'm sure that you have this issue too, it's not about sleep to be precise, it's about power when waking from sleep while the power source is connected and then unplugging it, the sound disappears, same if you used the mic after sleep. I'm gonna report this issue to Acidanthera Bugtracker and wish that someone will help us to fix this issue.

ameenjuz commented 4 years ago

@Ab2774 i tested i have no such issue sleep with power source after wake unplugging it no issue double check your configuration config and dsdt and ssdts 01970725 02170883 into wakeconfigdata

Luka020 commented 4 years ago

@ameenjuz i like to test it to could i do it with your current SSDT's upload ?

Ab2774 commented 4 years ago

@Ab2774 i tested i have no such issue sleep with power source after wake unplugging it no issue double check your configuration config and dsdt and ssdts 01970725 02170883 into wakeconfigdata

Hi, I think our audio codec needs to be injected by SSDT (haven't tested it yet). I'm gonna try this solution now then tell you the results. Also, can you please add 01970725 02170883 WakeConfigData to both layouts 13 & 20 in your pull request. Cheers.

ameenjuz commented 4 years ago

@Luka020 @Ab2774 I have two partition Catalina installed 1 with OpenCore 2 with Clover bootliader 1 i m using OpenCore with full DSDT patch Alc230 layout id 20 but layout 13 didn'work well my machine 2 also using clover bootloader with Full Acpi Hotpatch SSDTs Alc230 layout id 20 I will attach my EFI folder soon

Ab2774 commented 4 years ago

Hi @ameenjuz thanks for your hard work. I installed MacOS on this laptop since 2018, till now, I haven’t figure out a way to fix this issue, I tried so much but still, so if you can tell us how did fixed it I would really appreciate it. Also, I was planning to release v1.1.1 update with some minor fixes and improvements last week but because of this issue, I’m gonna delay it to 1st May till we fix this issue, if we couldn’t, I’m gonna release the update anyway. Cheers

ameenjuz commented 4 years ago

this is my full OpenCore-EFI Folder full dsdt patched test it if you have same my laptop Lenovo Ideapad 320-14ikb OpenCore-EFI.zip

Luka020 commented 4 years ago

@ameenjuz I tried the Opencore-EFI but got the same results. i made a video with the issue.

Hope this helps

Sound Issue Ideapad 320 14IKB.mp4.zip

ameenjuz commented 4 years ago

@Ab2774 Did you boot with my dsdt?

Ab2774 commented 4 years ago

@Ab2774 Did you boot with my dsdt?

Hi, Yes I booted from your EFI and unfortunately the issue still exists, I remember that someone had this issue before and fixed it by editing the ConfigData, I’m gonna try the same thing and see. Thanks

Ab2774 commented 4 years ago

Hi @ameenjuz, Great work what you did in your EFI OpenCore, I'm wondering if you have the same OpenCore EFI but with SSDTs, because DSDTs aren't customizable at all, I got most of the thing working but there are still some missing things. Thanks for your help. Cheers

ameenjuz commented 4 years ago

@Ab2774 what is missing this is full patched customized DSDT patched GFX0 PMCR PNLF USBX EC IGPU SATA SMBUS HPET USB MAPED UNDER DSDT I2C CRS RMCF Q11 Q12 GPRW for Instant wake MCHC OSI PPMC HECI i couldn't describe all patched because english is not my native language this dsdt booting fine with windows 10 and macOS Catalina including If (_OSI ("Darwin")) no need ssdts and ACPI renaming patch this DSDT work fully Screen Shot 2020-04-28 at 11 54 08 PM

Ab2774 commented 4 years ago


what is missing

this is full patched customized DSDT














Q11 Q12

GPRW for Instant wake





i couldn't describe all patched because english is not my native language

this dsdt booting fine with windows 10 and macOS Catalina including If (_OSI ("Darwin"))

no need ssdts and ACPI renaming patch

this DSDT work fully

Screen Shot 2020-04-28 at 11 54 08 PM

Hi @ameenjuz Thanks for fast response, really appreciate it, What I mean by some missing things is that “DMAC, EC rename, ALS0” and more are not included in your DSDT, now I know these are optional things and not really important to have but they really improve the experience, I managed to get almost everything working in OpenCore before but two things I couldn’t: trackpad and battery, trackpad is almost working except it’s working in Polling mode not GPIO mode and the reason is rename _CRS to _XCRS causes kernel panic in OpenCore, if you have any idea for how’s can this problem can be solved I would really appreciate it. Cheers

Ab2774 commented 4 years ago

By the way, there are some missing things for trackpad in your DSDT as shown in the photos from GenI2C, usually, VoodooI2C Prevent Apple I2C kexts from attaching to I2C controllers automatically, but in OpenCore you have to do it manually.

1 Before: 2

After: 3

Enable these in config.plist: 4

And don't update VoodooI2C to the latest 2.4.2 because there are some bugs with it. Cheers DSDT.aml.zip

ameenjuz commented 4 years ago

@Ab2774 my dear No need Prevent Apple I2c controller patch it is already added VoodooI2C.kext/Contents/Info OSBundledRequied=Root by Alexander i also will provide you now ACPI Clover Hotpatch SSDTs now aday i m focus at OpenCore


Ab2774 commented 4 years ago

Hi @Luka020, so sorry for the late response, but in the main time, I'm working on some improvement for the EFI Clover and I'm gonna add OpenCore bootloader in the next update, there's no new news about the sound issue, I tried lots of things but I can't figure out what's causing this issue, nowadays, I'm more focusing on fixing some little bugs in OpenCore bootloader, I was planning to release a new update today but in the new Clover update 5115 fixed the theme issue but it can't boot, so I'm gonna wait a bit more till they fix this issue, and Acidanthera gonna drop an update for their kexts in the next few days, so I'm gonna release the update soon then retry working on the kext. Regards

Luka020 commented 4 years ago

Hi @Luka020, so sorry for the late response, but in the main time, I'm working on some improvement for the EFI Clover and I'm gonna add OpenCore bootloader in the next update, there's no new news about the sound issue, I tried lots of things but I can't figure out what's causing this issue, nowadays, I'm more focusing on fixing some little bugs in OpenCore bootloader, I was planning to release a new update today but in the new Clover update 5115 fixed the theme issue but it can't boot, so I'm gonna wait a bit more till they fix this issue, and Acidanthera gonna drop an update for their kexts in the next few days, so I'm gonna release the update soon then retry working on the kext. Regards

No worries bro, i appriciate your responds. You are doing a great job and made my hackintosh to what it is now, i can not ask for more!

ameenjuz commented 4 years ago

@Ab2774 please provide me your EFI folder and config

Ab2774 commented 4 years ago

Hi @ameenjuz, yeah, sure, you didn't mention which one so I uploaded them both. Current status in OpenCore: Neither PWRB nor wake with the screen are working, unlike Clover, OpenCore doesn't patch the power button automatically, I guess I'm gonna wait for the next release and see, neither my EFI nor yours have PWRB appears in IOREG, pressing the power button for 5 seconds normally shows this window: PWRB but in this situation, it restarts immediately, here's a comparison for an IOREG copy I took from Clover and one from OpenCore: 1 2 as you can see it's recognized by the system but it's not working, when waking from sleep, you have to press any key to light up the screen, and this also is patched automatically by Clover, I'm gonna try to fix these issues and then release it in the final update soon. Current status in Clover: it all working just fine but with the last update, it doesn't boot up, so I'm gonna wait till they release the 5116 version. Regards EFI OpenCore.zip EFI Clover.zip

ameenjuz commented 4 years ago

@Ab2774 Put darkwake=1 in boot- arg in opencore's config put to sleep and press power button will work

Ab2774 commented 4 years ago


Put darkwake=1 in boot- arg in opencore's config

put to sleep and press power button will work

Hi, This actually fixed the Lid is issue, so SSDT-EXT4-WakeScreen is no longer needed, but the power button problem is still exists, I’m gonna try multiple solutions and see. Cheers

Ab2774 commented 4 years ago

Hi @Luka020 I’ll install Linux in the next few days to get a fresh-new Codec Dump, to rewrite the ConfigData, and for layout 13 (IdeaPad 310 with no Line In) I’m gonna rewrite it too, Wish me luck. Regards

Luka020 commented 4 years ago

Hi Ab2774,

Wish you all the luck man! Hope you can do it!

Ab2774 commented 3 years ago

Hi @Luka020, there's some good news, while I was searching for a solution to this issue, I found a guide made by @fewtarius that may fix this hideous issue, I followed his guide and now ALCPlugFix isn't required any more! I'm trying to contact him to help me. Wish me luck!