AbanteAI / mentat

Mentat - The AI Coding Assistant
Apache License 2.0
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Optimization of non-GPT 4 major model outputs #548

Closed warlockedward closed 3 months ago

warlockedward commented 3 months ago

Currently I try to use Qwen1.5-72B, deepseek-33b, and mixtral-8x7b models to drive mentat, and I find that the answers given always have some errors, there are misunderstandings and inaccurate code modifications, and I'm not sure what is causing them, and I don't know if there is any later support for the ability to target non-GPT4 models? Thank you very much.

biobootloader commented 3 months ago

in our testing, no models other than GPT-4 and Claude 3 Opus can handle the complex edit format required for Mentat.

We do have some changes coming that might make things easier for local models though. This experiment is a step in that direction: https://github.com/AbanteAI/mentat/pull/530