AbbyCui / CalciumImagingAnalysis

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Add a 5th row into the stim file for exclusion from the SD calculation #9

Closed cawarwick closed 1 year ago

cawarwick commented 1 year ago
  1. have the user add a 5th row in the stim file indicating whether to include that stim for the calculation of SD 2.~360 in utility working:
  2. duplicate All thresholds variable
  3. delete the rows of the allthresh_copy variable specified in the stim file
  4. then take the median of that pruned thresholds and assign it to the All thresholds
cawarwick commented 1 year ago

This has now been implemented as another CSV file called Threshold which allows for the selection of which stimulations to use for the SD calculation and also includes a 2nd threshold for pharmacological stimuli.