AbdElAziz333 / Canary

A performance mod designed to optimize Minecraft's general performance and unofficial fork of Lithium mod for Minecraft Forge.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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[1.19.2] Crash on Load with Modern Fix + Effortless Building #166

Closed Reshy closed 8 months ago

Reshy commented 1 year ago



Reproduction Steps

  1. Install Canary, Modern Fix, and Effortless Building.
  2. Boot Minecraft.
  3. Crash on Load.

Crash Report File


Reshy commented 1 year ago

This also can happen with Create in conjunction with the Integrated Strong mod I can't figure out.

AbdElAziz333 commented 1 year ago

can you please try the new update?

SiverDX commented 1 year ago

can canary affect loaded dependencies or is this just not related to canary?

[23Jul2023 05:49:21.699] [main/ERROR] [net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.ModSorter/LOADING]: Missing or unsupported mandatory dependencies:
    Mod ID: 'flywheel', Requested by: 'effortlessbuilding', Expected range: '[0.6.9,0.6.10)', Actual version: '[MISSING]'

https://bitbucket.org/Requios/effortless-building/src/1.19/src/main/resources/META-INF/mods.toml https://bitbucket.org/Requios/effortless-building/issues/194/mod-effortless-building-requires-flywheel

the mixin error might actually not be a real error - i had that happen before and once i added a missing dependency / fixed an error which happend prior to the mixin one, the mixin error disappeared

this is probably related to forge crashlogs being absolutely useless

(also just saw that modernfix dev explained the reason behind this)

AbdElAziz333 commented 8 months ago

I think this issue is fixed in the updated releases of ModernFix, if it still happens, please open a new issue, good luck.