AbdElAziz333 / Canary

A performance mod designed to optimize Minecraft's general performance and unofficial fork of Lithium mod for Minecraft Forge.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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[Regression] `TickingBlockEntity#getPos` sometimes returns null #201

Closed andriihorpenko closed 1 month ago

andriihorpenko commented 8 months ago

Version Information


Expected Behavior

TickingBlockEntity#getPos should never return null.

Actual Behavior

TickingBlockEntity#getPos may return null, causing unexpected behavior.

Reproduction Steps

Since Canary 0.2.9, TickingBlockEntity#getPos sometimes returns true, which breaks mods relying on non-null value, as there is no @Nullable annotation and no once expects that it can be null. Class net.minecraft.world.level.Level has the following block of code (see below). Some mods are mixing into tickingblockentity.tick() call to do various things (for instance, profiling how much tick time each block entity took).

while(iterator.hasNext()) {
   TickingBlockEntity tickingblockentity = iterator.next();
   if (tickingblockentity.isRemoved()) {
   } else if (this.shouldTickBlocksAt(tickingblockentity.getPos())) {
      tickingblockentity.tick(); // popular injection point for profiling mods

Seems like https://github.com/AbdElAziz333/Canary/blob/mc1.19.2/dev/src/main/java/com/abdelaziz/canary/mixin/world/block_entity_ticking/sleeping/LevelMixin.java should've prevented that, but according to my crash report, this check basically didn't run, letting tickingblockentity.tick() actually occur.

This is my mixin making this issue possible:

@WrapOperation(method = "tickBlockEntities", at = @At(value = "INVOKE", target = "Lnet/minecraft/world/level/block/entity/TickingBlockEntity;tick()V"))
private void captureBlockEntityTickTime(TickingBlockEntity instance, Operation<Void> original) {
    System.out.println(instance.getPos()); // this causes NPE

Other Information

Note: this is not happening on Canary 0.2.8. This regression happens since 0.2.9 onwards. Crash report: crash-2024-01-02_00.44.10-server.txt

AbdElAziz333 commented 8 months ago

Please try the new update from here for MC 1.19.2.

andriihorpenko commented 8 months ago

Note, 0.3.0 release became incompatible with ServerCore https://bytebin.lucko.me/pDmO5UTOqO

andriihorpenko commented 8 months ago

And no, 0.3.0 has exactly the same issue as stated above.The crash report is identical.

AbdElAziz333 commented 8 months ago

Can you please tell me the steps to produce this issue?

andriihorpenko commented 8 months ago

Here are sufficient steps to get a crash:

import com.llamalad7.mixinextras.injector.wrapoperation.Operation;
import com.llamalad7.mixinextras.injector.wrapoperation.WrapOperation;
import net.minecraft.world.level.Level;
import net.minecraft.world.level.block.entity.TickingBlockEntity;
import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.Mixin;
import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.At;

public abstract class LevelMixin {
    @WrapOperation(method = "tickBlockEntities", at = @At(value = "INVOKE", target = "Lnet/minecraft/world/level/block/entity/TickingBlockEntity;tick()V"))
    private void captureBlockEntityTickTime(TickingBlockEntity instance, Operation<Void> original) {

You should get a crash like this: crash-2024-01-02_00.44.10-server.txt

AbdElAziz333 commented 8 months ago

After testing this with only Canary and the code you provided, in both client and server it just prints the block positions like this:

BlockPos{x=-77, y=5, z=-268}
BlockPos{x=-82, y=11, z=-201}
BlockPos{x=-60, y=6, z=-284}

and doesn't crash at all, do you have specific mods to try with?

andriihorpenko commented 8 months ago

Maybe try with ModernFix and ServerCore, I guess they both provide a lot of optimizations as well. Mind that ServerCore crashes with latest 0.3.0 version.

AbdElAziz333 commented 8 months ago

Can you try remove Canary to see if the issue still happens?

andriihorpenko commented 8 months ago

It does not happen without Canary, and it does not happen if you have Canary 0.2.8 and below. I had Canary for quite a long time and this crash happens after updating to 0.2.9 and above.

AbdElAziz333 commented 8 months ago

Can you please try it in the latest update for 1.19.2 from here.

andriihorpenko commented 8 months ago

This fixes ServerCore incompatibility, but the original crash remains the same as it has nothing to do with ServerCore. I might try binary search to determine what exactly causes incompatibility with the Canary mixin states above as right now I have absolutely no clue. In the crash report you can see what mixins were applied to Level class, this might help you find out which mods are somehow mixing into Level and causing such an unexpected behavior.

andriihorpenko commented 8 months ago

After testing this with only Canary and the code you provided, in both client and server it just prints the block positions like this:

BlockPos{x=-77, y=5, z=-268}
BlockPos{x=-82, y=11, z=-201}
BlockPos{x=-60, y=6, z=-284}

and doesn't crash at all, do you have specific mods to try with?

As for this: try simulating a situation when position is null. I don't know when this happens, seems like it's somehow connected to new "sleeping" thing.

andriihorpenko commented 7 months ago

I think I know how this happens. This mixin works just fine. The thing is that the position becomes NULL in a slightly different place.

Let's look at the following code again:

// Class net.minecraft.world.level.Level

} else if (this.shouldTickBlocksAt(tickingblockentity.getPos())) {
    // position is not NULL yet
    // position became NULL

Basically, after a block entity tick, its position may become null, causing unexpected behavior. The only block entity wrapper class I can think of is com.abdelaziz.canary.common.block.entity.SleepUntilTimeBlockEntityTickInvoker, which returns position dynamically, potentially causing such an unexpected behavior.

andriihorpenko commented 1 month ago

No longer valid, so it's safe to close