Abdallah-M-Ali / Mineral-Prospectivity-Mapping-ML

Application of Machine Learning to map mineral prospectivity using remote sensing and geological data. This research project select four supervised learning methods (RF, SVM, ANN, and CNN) to predict gold prospection in Hamassana area north east Sudan
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Hello, would you provide some example dataset for this repository? #2

Open jhsa26 opened 6 months ago

jhsa26 commented 6 months ago

Hi bro, I'm a geophysicist, and focus on machine learning in geophysical problems and other geoscience fields such as MPM. I am very interested in MPM problem with machine learning methods. I downloaded this repository to learn some knowledge of MPM, but it is difficult for me to run some codes without input dataset. Would you provide some example dataset? My google scholar homepage is https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=xTSQ8cQAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN&oi=sra. My email is hujing@chd.edu.cn. Hope to send some example dataset to me. Much thanks!