AbdelazizSoliman / Recipe_App_Capstone

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Recipe App project #18

Closed AbdelazizSoliman closed 10 months ago

AbdelazizSoliman commented 10 months ago

Hello Dear CR ✋ I hope this message finds you well. w are submitting a pull request for your review and feedback on the implementation of the Recipe App. I, @AbdelazizSoliman , and @AleWaweru collaborated to implement the project requirements. We hope the implementation fulfills the project requirements and also maintains the general requirements.

Project Requirements ✔️ In this Project We:

Followed the layout of the wireframes provided. Built login page and registration page with Devise. Created Food list: It displays a list of food and the quantity of food added by the logged-in user. It leads to a form that allows users to add new food. Created Recipes list: It displays a list of recipes created by the logged-in user. It leads to recipe details. If the user is the owner of the recipe, it allows the user to delete it. Created Public recipe list: It displays a list of all public recipes ordered by the newest. It leads to recipe details. Created Recipe details: It displays a toggle button that allows for a recipe to be made public or private. If the recipe is public or the user is the owner of the recipe, it displays the recipe details. If the user is the owner of the recipe, it leads to the form that allows the user to add new food. Created General shopping list view : It shows the list of food that is missing for all recipes of the logged-in user It counts the total number of food items and the total price of the missing food. Created a navigation menu that allows users to open all of the pages we created. Wrote unit and integration tests General requirements ✔️ There are No linter errors Follow correct GitFlow Follow the list of best practices for Ruby. We have thoroughly reviewed the project requirements and cross-checked the implementation of the Blog app against the given description to ensure accuracy.

We'd like to ask for a review, as your feedback and suggestions are invaluable in ensuring the quality and efficiency of the project.

Thank you in advance for your time and assistance. We look forward to your feedback and addressing any concerns to enhance the overall quality of the project.

AbdelazizSoliman commented 10 months ago

Thank you @binhussen. Wish you the best.