AbdelrhmanAmin / Pokemon-React-Capstone

A React-Router-Redux project that displays pokemons fetching data from PokemonAPI and displaying them in vaporwave style.
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Pokemon Gallery Capstone #1

Closed AbdelrhmanAmin closed 3 years ago

AbdelrhmanAmin commented 3 years ago

A catalog of pokémon, using PokeAPI: https://pokeapi.co/ The web app should have at least 2 types of pages:

Technical mandatory requirements of the project

  1. The project is a single page application built with React and Redux
  2. The data that was retrieved from the API should be stored in the Redux store
  3. You should filter the data that you retrieve from the API using a Filter stateless component
  4. Every page, the main page, and pages for each item, should have a unique route within the SPA
  5. The project should be deployed and accessible online

    Assessment criteria

    • Use JSX syntax correctly
    • Pass info to components using props with validation
    • Use React components lifecycle methods
    • Use DOM events listeners in components
    • Use lifting to pass state from children to parent components
    • Use client side routes
    • Design a components structure for a website
    • Test React code
    • Use Redux store to keep state
    • Explains data flow in Redux
    • Connects Redux to React app (includes map state and dispatch to props)
    • Explains when Redux is useful in your SPA and what value it provides you
    • Explain React and virtual DOM concepts
    • Passion for software development.
    • Ability to translate business requirements into software solutions.
    • Ability to multitask and effectively manage time and prioritization.
    • Strong English written communication
    • Strong English verbal communication
    • Deploy apps (Heroku, Netlify)
    • Use linters (code standards)
    • Maintain professional Github repos