[x] Create a public repository in your account and add a readme file
[x] Add your group members as collaborators
[x] Add an issue to your new repository, describing a problem you want to work on
[x] Create a new branch
[x] Create a draft pull request
[x] Make changes to your branch and commit them
[x] Change the draft pull request to "ready for review"
[x] Ask your group members to review your changes
[x] When you get approval from the reviewers, merge the pull request and delete the branch
[x] Comment on this issue with a link to your repository, and any comments or questions you have about GitHub
Week 4: Version control via RStudio
[x] Install Git on your local computer and connect it to RStudio
[x] Clone the repository you created last week to an RStudio project on your local computer
[x] Add an issue to your new repository, describing a problem you want to work on (you need to do this on GitHub, you can't do this in RStudio)
[x] Create a new branch in Rstudio or GitHub
[x] Make a few changes in RStudio, stage and commit them (e.g. edit the Readme file, or add a new Rmarkdown file)
[x] Push the changes to the remote GitHub repository
[x] Create a draft pull request (you need to do this on GitHub, you can't do this in RStudio)
[x] Go back to RStudio, make a few more changes, stage, commit them and push them to the remote GitHub repository
[x] Change the draft pull request to "ready for review"
[x] Ask your group members to review your changes
[x] When you get approval from the reviewers, merge the pull request and delete the branch
[x] Optional: comment on this issue with any comments or questions you have about Git or GitHub
Week 7: R and GitHub Practice
[x] Create a new public repository called "hospital-admissions" on Github with a readme file
[x] Add your group members as collaborators
[x] Clone the repository to an RStudio project on your local computer
[x] Create an appropriate folder structure according to the good coding practices we discussed in the "Open Code" unit
[x] Download and save population_demographics.csv and the data dictionary in the appropriate folder
[ ] Add an appropriate issue on GitHub, a related branch and pull request, and create an R markdown file in the appropriate folder to read in and explore the demographics data
[ ] Get your code reviewed by your group members
[ ] Merge!
[ ] Comment on this issue with a link to your repository, and any comments or questions you have about Git or GitHub
Week 9: Joining datasets
[ ] Add an appropriate issue to your "hospital-admissions" repository, a related branch and pull request, and add code to join the demographics and hospital admissions datasets
[ ] Get your code reviewed by your group members
[ ] Merge!
[ ] Optional: comment on this issue with any comments or questions you have about Git or GitHub
Week 10: R revision
[ ] Add an appropriate issue to your "hospital-admissions" repository, a related branch and pull request, and add code to summarise total time in hospital in 2020 by age and deprivation
[ ] Get your code reviewed by your group members
[ ] Merge!
[ ] Optional: comment on this issue with any comments or questions you have about Git or GitHub
Week 3: Your first repository
Week 4: Version control via RStudio
Week 7: R and GitHub Practice
Week 9: Joining datasets
Week 10: R revision