Abdu-Hekal / FReaK

MATLAB repo for Falsification via AutoKoopman
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Install Issues #6

Open stanleybak opened 9 months ago

stanleybak commented 9 months ago

I'm using this issue to document some install issues:

In setupKF it looks like it's using an old version of the install script (line 5):

filePath = which('installKF');

This should be updated to correct name setupKF.

stanleybak commented 9 months ago

It seems my system has some sort of python library mismatch issue. It seems like initialize is trying to run python code: [kfModel, trainset] = initialize(kfModel); (how did you do this)

>> falsifyVanderpol
Error using ewm><module>
Python Error: ImportError: /usr/local/MATLAB/R2023b/bin/glnxa64/../../sys/os/glnxa64/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.29' not
found (required by

Error in __init__><module> (line 1)

Error in generic><module> (line 152)

Error in frame><module> (line 157)

Error in generic><module> (line 70)

Error in __init__><module> (line 1)

Error in api><module> (line 48)

Error in __init__><module> (line 48)

Error in trajectory><module> (line 4)

Error in autokoopman><module> (line 9)

Error in __init__><module> (line 24)

Error in <frozen importlib>_call_with_frames_removed (line 228)

Error in <frozen importlib>exec_module (line 850)

Error in <frozen importlib>_load_unlocked (line 680)

Error in <frozen importlib>_find_and_load_unlocked (line 986)

Error in <frozen importlib>_find_and_load (line 1007)

Error in <frozen importlib>_gcd_import (line 1030)

Error in __init__>import_module (line 127)

Error in coreFalsify (line 5)
[kfModel, trainset] = initialize(kfModel);

Error in KF/falsify (line 185)
            [obj,trainset] = coreFalsify(obj);

Error in falsifyVanderpol (line 6)
[kfModel,trainset] = falsify(kfModel);
stanleybak commented 9 months ago

To fix the ImportError issue I did as follows:

export LD_PRELOAD=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6
stanleybak commented 9 months ago

TODO: need to remove external/CORA from path

stanleybak commented 9 months ago

To fix the rendering issue when I use the LD_PRELOAD command, I needed to run matlab with matlab -softwareopengl to force it to use software rendering.

Also: remove breach/ext from path

stanleybak commented 9 months ago
=== Model Load (Elapsed: 0.53 sec) ===
    Warning:sldemo_autotrans_data is not found in the current folder or on the MATLAB path, but exists in:

    Change the MATLAB current folder or add its folder to the MATLAB path.
    Warning:Workspace for block diagram 'Autotrans_shift' was not loaded because an error occurred while loading MATLAB code: 'load sldemo_autotrans_data; %load initial conditions and other necessary data'
    Warning:Could not evaluate MaskDisplay commands of block 'Autotrans_shift/Vehicle': File "/usr/local/MATLAB/R2023b/toolbox/simulink/simdemos/automotive/html/NSX_3Colors.jpg" does not exist.
    Warning:Could not evaluate MaskDisplay commands of block 'Autotrans_shift/Vehicle': File "/usr/local/MATLAB/R2023b/toolbox/simulink/simdemos/automotive/html/NSX_3Colors.jpg" does not exist.

Solution: add sldemo_autotrans_data.mat to the simulink folder near the mdl file

stanleybak commented 9 months ago
Warning:Cannot find library called 'neural'.  To use this library, install Deep Learning Toolbox.
stanleybak commented 9 months ago
         kfModel: @modelCars
running falsify
Error using assert
Currently only an input interpolation of "previous" is supported for a number of control points less than

Error in KF/initialize>setCpBool (line 138)
        assert(strcmp(obj.inputInterpolation,'previous'),'Currently only an input interpolation of "previous" is supported for a number of control points less than T/ak.dt')

Error in KF/initialize (line 103)

Error in KF/falsify (line 39)
[obj, trainset] = initialize(obj);

Error in repArch22 (line 109)
            [kfModel,~] = falsify(kfModel);

For this, I had:

num cp=100, T = 100.000000, ak.dt = 10.000000
Error using assert
Currently only an input interpolation of "previous" is supported for a number of control points less than

For this system, since there are two inputs obj.cpBool is a 2-column matrix, when k == 1 (first iteration) it gets set to:

1     0
     1     0
     1     0
     1     0
     1     0
     1     0
     1     0
     1     0
     1     0
     1     0

Which is not all 1s. The solution is to update the asset to just look at column k (use all(obj.cpBool(:,k)), rather than ~all(obj.cpBool,'all')). Not sure how this system managed to run on your machine (maybe it was a recent update).

stanleybak commented 9 months ago

This is with the NN model:

Error using STL_Formula>parenthesisly_balanced_split
STL_Parse: expression alw_[1,37](((not (abs(x1[t]- u1[t] - 0.03*abs(u1[t] + 0.005 > 0)) or ev_[0,2](alw_[0,1](not (0.03*abs(u1[t]
+ 0.005 - abs(x1[t]- u1[t] <= 0))))):Too many (4) opening parenthesis in expr

I think this one comes from coraBreachConvert.m. The string at the start looks right, but after all the replacements the parenthesis are mismatched:

start stl string: G[1,37](((~(abs(x1 - u1) - 0.03*abs(u1) + 0.005 > 0)) | F[0,2](G[0,1](~(0.03*abs(u1) + 0.005 - abs(x1 - u1) <= 0)))))

end stl string: alw_[1,37](((not (abs(x1[t]- u1[t] - 0.03*abs(u1[t] + 0.005 > 0)) or ev_[0,2](alw_[0,1](not (0.03*abs(u1[t] + 0.005 - abs(x1[t]- u1[t] <= 0)))))

The problem is in the variable replacement loop, where for example they replace u1 by u1[t]:

init: alw_[1,37](((not (abs(x1 - u1) - 0.03*abs(u1) + 0.005 > 0)) or ev_[0,2](alw_[0,1](not (0.03*abs(u1) + 0.005 - abs(x1 - u1) <= 0)))))

Replacing '(\w*)u1([^0-9]\w*)' with 'u1[t]' and got: alw_[1,37](((not (abs(x1 - u1[t] - 0.03*abs(u1[t] + 0.005 > 0)) or ev_[0,2](alw_[0,1](not (0.03*abs(u1[t] + 0.005 - abs(x1 - u1[t] <= 0)))))

The regular expression replaces u1) instead of just u1.

The issue is the [^0-9] part consumes one character in the input string, look at the following trace in AT ,which doesn't really cause a problem since it's consuming the space:

stl string: alw_[0,100](x5 - x4 <= 40)
Replacing '(\w*)x1([^0-9]\w*)' with 'x1[t]' and got: alw_[0,100](x5 - x4 <= 40)
Replacing '(\w*)x2([^0-9]\w*)' with 'x2[t]' and got: alw_[0,100](x5 - x4 <= 40)
Replacing '(\w*)x3([^0-9]\w*)' with 'x3[t]' and got: alw_[0,100](x5 - x4 <= 40)
Replacing '(\w*)x4([^0-9]\w*)' with 'x4[t]' and got: alw_[0,100](x5 - x4[t]<= 40)
Replacing '(\w*)x5([^0-9]\w*)' with 'x5[t]' and got: alw_[0,100](x5[t]- x4[t]<= 40)

I'm not sure why (\w*) was in the old regexp... this would match strings like prefix_x1_suffix. I suggest to replace it as follows, which uses a lookahead to make sure x1 matches by x10 doesn't, without replacing the character

for k=1:size(cora_stl.variables)
   old = strcat(cora_stl.variables{k},'(?![0-9])');
   new = strcat(cora_stl.variables{k},'[t]');

   stl = regexprep(stl,old,new);

here's a chatgpt explanation of the syntax:

In the regular expression (?![0-9]), the ?, !, and [0-9] components serve specific functions:

  1. (?![0-9]): This entire construct is known as a negative lookahead. Let's break it down:

    • (?...): The parentheses () with a question mark ? right after the opening parenthesis indicate a lookahead or lookbehind assertion in regex syntax. These are types of zero-width assertions, meaning they don't consume any characters on the string; they just assert whether a match is possible or not.

    • !: Inside the lookahead, the exclamation mark ! signifies that it is a negative lookahead. A negative lookahead asserts that whatever pattern follows it must not exist at the current position in the string. In other words, it looks ahead to check that the specified pattern is not there, but doesn't consume any of the string in doing so.

    • [0-9]: This is a character class that matches any single digit from 0 to 9.

So, (?![0-9]) in a regex pattern asserts that at the current position in the string, the next character cannot be a digit from 0 to 9. This is used to ensure that a particular pattern is only matched if it's not immediately followed by another specific pattern—in this case, a digit.

Abdu-Hekal commented 9 months ago

Last two issues were due to recent updates, thanks, will amend with the updated solutions! Makes a good case for a test suite as well for future updates

stanleybak commented 9 months ago

Not really a bug, just curious, in getDispSampleXU are you randomly perturbing the optimal solution by 1%? I didn't see this in the paper.

stanleybak commented 9 months ago

In falsify.m, line 152:

obj.soln.falsified = ~isreal(sqrt(robustness)); %sqrt of -ve values are imaginary

Why not just check if robustness < 0 ?

stanleybak commented 9 months ago

The default rank search is weird in KF.m: obj.ak.rank=[1,20,4];. This tries ranks of 1, 5, 9, 13, and 17. It seemed the intention was to go up to 20.

Abdu-Hekal commented 9 months ago

Not really a bug, just curious, in getDispSampleXU are you randomly perturbing the optimal solution by 1%? I didn't see this in the paper.

This was an experiment early on to train only with trajectories that improve the model. The experiments in the paper do not use this technique. The idea was to perturb the current trajectory, add to the trainset and compute robustness with the new model, if robustness if improved, the trajectory is permanently added, if not, it is removed and another perturbed trajectory is generated. This setting can be activated by setting kf.trainRand==2 (see KF class file for more info). This approach can be improved by leveraging search-based optimization techniques and I plan to look into it.

Abdu-Hekal commented 9 months ago

In falsify.m, line 152:

obj.soln.falsified = ~isreal(sqrt(robustness)); %sqrt of -ve values are imaginary

Why not just check if robustness < 0 ?

That was just my quick solution to have it one line ;). For readability and performance it should be change to robustness < 0. In fact, I want to rewrite the falsify function for better readability and less code duplication.

Abdu-Hekal commented 9 months ago

The default rank search is weird in KF.m: obj.ak.rank=[1,20,4];. This tries ranks of 1, 5, 9, 13, and 17. It seemed the intention was to go up to 20.

Interestingly, for the experiments, this configuration worked best. Possibly the rank values examined resulted in a good model. In fact, for our Koopman paper, we had a similar rank setup of [1,200,40], which also worked best. I also noticed that a smaller step resulted in a worse result as the for low simulations, the tuner typically chose a very small rank (2-3) which was a bad approximation of the model. This issue should be pinned to be investigated.

stanleybak commented 9 months ago

Not an error, but an observation:

Without normalization the learned model is very heavily biased towards minimizing errors in whichever variable has the largest scale. For example, in AT the RPM is in the thousands. The koopman observables are all small since they are cosines of different frequencies / phases multiplied by sqrt(1/nObs), and are therefore in the range [-sqrt(1/nObs), sqrt(1/nObs)], which is always smaller than [-1, 1]. Thus, the squared error is dominated almost entirely by the RPM variable. This is both in the regression in eDMD, as well as in the hyperparmeter turning score function in autokoopman.

Also: in the earlier RFF paper we have sqrt(2) in front of the observables... but the AT code we do sqrt(1/nObs). Further, this factor seems to be in conflict with the sentence "Note that we can omit the constant factor m since extended dynamic mode decomposition will automatically scale the observables accordingly." @EthanJamesLew is this still correct if eDMD includes the original state variables such as the non-scaled RPM? After all, it's minimizing the sum of squared errors.

Abdu-Hekal commented 9 months ago

What is interesting is that without normalization, Autokoopman learns the model quite well (even for the large difference in scales). See the figure below for training with 1 trajectory. no_norm

Normalization leads to highly irregular behavior, mainly when the number of training trajectories is low. See the figure below for training with 1 trajectory (learnt trajectory is barely visible on the left side of the figure). norm

In the code, we use sqrt(2/nObs), as it is set in the Autokoopman toolbox. The reason it may look like sqrt(1/nObs) is because we typically use 20 observables and internally the function converts sqrt(2/20) to sqrt(1/10). See learnKoopModel, line 55

stanleybak commented 9 months ago

This may be because you're plotting 2 of the 22 variables and so the error looks different on the other ones. I want to look at it closer.

How did you create these images? The AT plot looks different than the first simulation I get.

Abdu-Hekal commented 9 months ago

Can be recreate using falsifyTransmission.m

Note that the images might look slightly different due to repeatability issue on different devices, but still should be similar