AbdulDevHub / NoteMark

A note-taking desktop app with out-of-the-box markdown support. This project is compatible and easily installable across multiple platforms including Mac, Windows, and Linux. Perfect for storing markdown notes on your desktop with ease.
MIT License
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[Bugs] Build OK but run error in ArchLinux #3

Open zxp19821005 opened 1 month ago

zxp19821005 commented 1 month ago

As titled. When I finished building,I run the app,but I got errors:

$ ./note-mark 
Error occurred in handler for 'getNotes': [Error: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '/home/zxp-endeavouros\NoteMark'] {
  errno: -13,
  code: 'EACCES',
  syscall: 'mkdir',
  path: '/home/zxp-endeavouros\\NoteMark'

I don't think such a directory structure should appear in all Linux Distributions.

zxp19821005 commented 1 month ago

BTW,the icon of the app seems like the electron's?