Title: Finalize Proposal Presentation by March 2nd for FYP in Cybersecurity
As per the project schedule, all students are required to finalize their proposal presentation by the start of the 4th week, specifically by March 2nd. The proposal presentation will take place during the same week, spanning from March 7, 2024. The proposal should comprehensively cover the required content to ensure clarity, feasibility, and relevance to the cybersecurity domain.
Proposal Content Guidelines:
Introduction and Background:
Provide an overview of the project's importance.
Discuss recent cyber threats or incidents that highlight the need for innovative solutions.
Existing Systems/Survey/Literature Review:
Summarize relevant research and existing solutions.
Highlight gaps that your project will address.
Problem Statement:
Clearly define the specific cybersecurity problem.
Explain its significance and why it is important to tackle.
Outline the measurable and achievable goals of your project.
Proposed Solution:
Describe the design, architecture, and functionality of the solution.
Show how it addresses the identified cybersecurity problem.
Explain the technologies, tools, and methodologies you'll use.
Justify why this approach is suitable for solving the problem.
Implementation Plan:
Break down tasks into milestones.
Estimate time and resources required for each task.
Evaluation Plan:
Describe how you will evaluate the effectiveness of your project.
Define the success criteria.
Project Scope/Expected Outcomes:
Discuss expected outcomes or deliverables, such as prototypes or findings.
Conclusion and Future Work:
Summarize the proposal and discuss any limitations or future research directions.
Provide a list of citations in the appropriate format.
Include any supporting materials, such as diagrams or supplementary information.
Finalize the presentation following the outlined content structure.
Ensure the presentation is ready for review by March 2, 2024.
Acceptance Criteria:
[x] A comprehensive and polished presentation, covering all key areas.
[x] The presentation is ready for delivery during the scheduled week starting March 7, 2024.
Title: Finalize Proposal Presentation by March 2nd for FYP in Cybersecurity
Description: As per the project schedule, all students are required to finalize their proposal presentation by the start of the 4th week, specifically by March 2nd. The proposal presentation will take place during the same week, spanning from March 7, 2024. The proposal should comprehensively cover the required content to ensure clarity, feasibility, and relevance to the cybersecurity domain.
Proposal Content Guidelines:
Acceptance Criteria: