AbdullahAlfaraj / Comfy-Photoshop-SD

Download this extension via the ComfyUI manager to establish a connection between ComfyUI and the Auto-Photoshop-SD plugin in Photoshop. https://github.com/AbdullahAlfaraj/Auto-Photoshop-StableDiffusion-Plugin
MIT License
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Layer Sync in Custom Workflow not working #11

Open Grant-CP opened 6 months ago

Grant-CP commented 6 months ago

Thanks for all the work you've put into this!

To start: I'm on windows, talking to the API via port 8188. I'm using a remote computer with an A100 GPU and running comfyui there. That comfyui is forwarded to my local machine via VS Code. I installed using the .ccx file on January 7 2024. I have used A1111 and comfyui a decent amount, and have also used a Krita extension with comfyui.

I'm trying to run a basic img2img workflow test_miku_img2img_api.json in the custom workflows tab and I have a node that looks like this: image

I can upload from the canvas manually to get something into that node, but it is the only way for me to input into that node. When I click the "Sync Current Layer" button it marks the current layer as red: image

I can unmark the layer with right click, then I can click the sync current layer button again to mark the layer as red. Point being that the button press is definitely doing something. The Sync from Canvas button does not work. This is true if I have something selected via the Marquee tool and also if I have nothing selected. Either way the input image that gets passed in appears to just be a white square: image

Note that this is still true even if I don't have a white background (note the background layer is not visible and is also not marked red) image

I can confirm that the workflow works because if I turn the denoising strength up to 1 then I can get an image: image

The "Load Image from Canvas" button will work if I have a selection: image

And I can use that as the input for my workflow. That being said, that button doesn't help if I want to do live img2img for instance.

I tried poking around in the logs (mostly because of other crashes and timeouts related to both regular and custom workflow bugs), but there are a lot of messages spread between multiple log files, so I'm not sure what would be helpful for me to attach for you.

Here's a screencap of my settings page: image

Last note is that the regular txt2img setting works, although sometimes it does not actually send anything to comfyui (confirmed via the comfyui.log file) and hangs while the loading bar goes upwards of 200%. So I do know the plugin is able to talk to my comfyui server at least sometimes. I haven't had a hang/infinite progress bar issue yet with a custom workflow.

Let me know if there's any testing you would like me to do or any logs files that might help.

ChieVFX commented 5 months ago

I have the exact same issues with the latest version(1.4.1). The workflows work fine for me, but the LoadImage node does not work as expected. The only way I can fill it with an image is via "Manual => Load Image from Canvas", and even then it's only if I have selected zone in photoshop(e.g. CTRL+A to select everything).

All the other options(like "Sync from Whole Canvas" or "Sync From a Layer") do not work at all. At best - it uses the image I've had in my workflow when I've saved it(the "white square" the Grant-CP mentioned is probably what he had in his workflow, btw). "Sync from a Layer" changes "layer color"(in the hierarchy) to Red, but that seems to be it.

The options look amazing and super useful, so I hope this gets fixed soon.