Hi, I wanted to reproduce the financial parts of the demo results. I performed the following steps and seems not working properly:
Copied the tspDB-Demo-checkpoint.ipynb to the notebook_examples and renamed to be "tspDB-Demo-checkpoint-financial.ipynb"
I expanded the load_data.sql inside the demo_data_v3.zip and copied the data, .DS_Store, load_data.sql folders/files to the same base directory as follows:
But when I try to execute the following line (I entered the password in the Anaconda prompt), it only show lines of drop & create tables, without any data copying process:
Is that expected? I thought there should be some data copy process as shown in the demo notebook:
Actually, no responses are needed for this issue anymore. I think I missed out on the Colab version of scripts in the documents. The Colab seems very complete and helpful. Thanks.
Hi, I wanted to reproduce the financial parts of the demo results. I performed the following steps and seems not working properly:
But when I try to execute the following line (I entered the password in the Anaconda prompt), it only show lines of drop & create tables, without any data copying process:
Is that expected? I thought there should be some data copy process as shown in the demo notebook: