Abedalkareem / LanguageManager-iOS

A Language manager to handle changing app language without restarting the app. It supports iOS and tvOS.
MIT License
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Changing language while on same view tree #56

Closed aviya-smila closed 3 years ago

aviya-smila commented 3 years ago

Hi, is there a way to translate the whole current view hierarchy? I mean in order to change language I need to dismiss all the views currently opened and start the app from scratch.

Thanks, Aviya.

Abedalkareem commented 3 years ago

You can create your controllers stack again by yourself.

    LanguageManager.shared.setLanguage(language: selectedLanguage)
    { title -> UIViewController in
      let controller1 = NavigationController(root: HomeViewController())
      let controller2 = NewsViewController()
      return controller1
    } animation: { view in
      view.transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 2, y: 2)
      view.alpha = 0